their doctrines
Andrto this end their doctrines and labours Were principally directed, by promoting a scrupulous observance of external rites and ceremonies, i&t superstitious acts of devotions, and a liberal compliance with their pecuniary requisitions,, which were too generally considered as the means of conciliating the divine favour, and satisfying every obligation of duty.The bishops of Rome had gradually acquired a superiority over the other bishops from the beginning of the reign of Constantine.] About the year , Lucina made Marcellus her heir, and gave him all her .great substance. uFrom that time," saith Polydor, '"the bishops of Rome were greatly enriched,"f which enal tb effect & greater appearance of splendour and magnificence than the MBT Shoes other MBT bishops, by which MBT Shoes Sale mortals too often form their ideals of preeminence and dignityand this superiority was at different periods advanced, until, in the year , Symmachus was elected supreme bishop.During the ages of gross superstition whieh succeeded, there arose a fewindividuals endued with light andsense to discover the enormities abounding in the church, and fortitude to bear their testimony against them; yet the power of darkness Was so great, and the dominion of priestcraft so firmly fixed, that their at tempts were quickly frustrated, and, generally, their lives became a sacrifice to the. vindictive clergy, But MBT Trainers about the year , some light began to arise on the revival of learning. Gratian having composed an abridgment of the canon laws, which, before, were Very effective, and could not be explained in the schools, his epitome was unanimously adopted, and the study of it Was considered as a branch , of academical learning, and, shortly after, was introduced amongst the number of the sciences; as was also the civil law, or famous Pandect of Julian ; which was found, revived, and became a grand object of the labours and studies of the learned. Colleges were erected in several parts of Italy, which animated other European nations to imitate their example; so that a spirit of inquiry began to revive in some places, and the human mjnd to emerge from that state of stupidity in which it had been involved.
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